English language

How to pronounce applications programme in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms application, application program
Type of programme, computer program, computer programme, program
Has types editor program, frame, job, natural language processing application, natural language processor, web browser, word processing system, active application, word processor, applet, browser, editor

Examples of applications programme

applications programme
Applications for the programme close in the next few days.
From the eu.techcrunch.com
Iran denies any military applications of its nuclear programme.
From the guardian.co.uk
Applications to join the Pinnacle programme are accepted from young competitors in any recognised New Zealand sport.
From the nznewsuk.co.uk
The centre received applications from nearly 70 writers for its residency programme in 2012.
From the nznewsuk.co.uk
There has been a strong interest in the programme form the outset, with many applications.
From the thebeaveronline.co.uk
The 13-week programme will take applications from around the world, so long as the startup sets up a UK limited company.
From the eu.techcrunch.com
The science council of the programme has received more than 750 applications for funding from 22 countries.
From the newscientist.com
Mr Saloner says that Stanford still receives thousands of applications for its $53,000-a-year MBA programme.
From the economist.com
The downloaded applications can be combined as needed using a software programme called Puzzle.
From the sciencedaily.com