For decades, that apothegm described a worsening problem in U.S. journalism.
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But the BSB may have taken that apothegm too far.
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Pritchett is a master of the casual apothegm.
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It does not help to reverse Beecher's apothegm and define a good newspaper as one that prints a miscellaneous, various amount of knowledge.
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As a consequence, the moral reflection of religious inspiration is prevalent, and the use of narrative, parable, apothegm and rich imagery is preferred to the use of abstract argument.
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More examples
Aphorism: a short pithy instructive saying
An adage , or adagium (Latin), is a short but memorable saying that holds some important fact of experience that is considered true by many people, or that has gained some credibility through its long use. ...
Noun - 1. a short, pithy saying 2. a terse remark, conveying some important truth 3. a sententious precept or maxim
N. - a concise formulation of a truth; an aphorism