The teams found water in quantities up to 6000 parts per million in the apatite.
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Right away results came back clearly indicating that the yeck was made of apatite.
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When mixed with water, apatite releases only very small amounts of phosphate.
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The most common terrestrial form of the element is a mineral called apatite.
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The brittle apatite phase is thus shielded from excessive loads, and does not break.
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The tusk of both species is mostly made of calcium phosphate in the form of apatite.
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How much apatite is in the geological formation these artifacts are from, do we know?
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When a shark dies, the decomposing skeleton breaks up, scattering the apatite prisms.
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The idea of looking for water in lunar apatite isn't new, Boyce notes.
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More examples
A common complex mineral consisting of calcium fluoride phosphate or calcium chloride phosphate; a source of phosphorus
Apatite is a group of phosphate minerals, usually referring to hydroxyapatite, fluorapatite, chlorapatite and bromapatite, named for high concentrations of OH−, F−, Cl− or Br− ions, respectively, in the crystal. ...
A calcium fluoride phosphate of variable composition, sometimes used in the manufacture of fertilizer
Is an abundant mineral found in many types of rock but most gem quality material is associated with pegmatites.
Apatite derives its name from the Greek word apate, "deceit", referring to its misleading similarity to other minerals. Apatite crystals are sometimes cut as gems. Apatite is an accessory mineral found in a wide range of igneous rocks, including pegmatites and high-temperature hydrothermal veins.
Optimara super miniature variety. See Little Apatite.
A mineral, typically light green, containing calcium, phosphorus, oxygen, and fluorine; commonly found in pegmatites.
Apatite, a glass-like stone, comes in transparent, translucent and opaque forms. It is available in a beautiful array of colors varying from white to brown to green to yellow and even violet. Its crystal shape is hexagonal.
Helps stuttering and hypertension. Rids one of guilt and grief.