English language

How to pronounce antiserum in English?

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Type Words
Type of blood serum, serum

Examples of antiserum

Immunoblotting using Smc-specific antiserum is shown.
From the nature.com
The antiserum could then be used in human cancer tissue to test for the presence of the newly discovered virus.
From the time.com
But such antiserum has serious shortcomings.
From the newscientist.com
Of the 97 recent H3N2 isolates examined, only 41 isolates had strong serologic cross-reactions with antiserum to three commercial SIV vaccines.
From the en.wikipedia.org
This typically meant screening antiserum for immunoreactivity against the appropriate antigen, and examining cross-reactivity of the antiserum with inappropriate antigens.
From the scienceblogs.com
Until recently, the only protection against chicken pox was an antiserum derived from the blood of patients recovering from the virus, since antibody levels are unusually high during convalescence.
From the time.com
More examples
  • Blood serum containing antibodies against specific antigens; provides immunity to a disease
  • A serum prepared from human or animal sources containing antigens specific for combatting an infectious disease
  • SerumThe clear liquid that separates from the blood when it is allowed to clot. This fluid retains any antibodies that were present in the whole blood. that contains antibodies.
  • Serum harvested from an animal immunized to an agent of interest.
  • Blood / Serum from an immunized host possessing antibodies of interest (as well as other serum proteins and antibodies).
  • The fluid portion of the blood of an animal (after coagulation of the blood), containing antibodies
  • The serum from a vertebrate that has been exposed to an antigen and which contains antibodies that react specifically with the antigen. (Pl. antisera.) (10)
  • Serum taken from an animal that has been immunized; mixture of several antibodies. A single antigen will normally stimulate several different B-lymphocyte clones.