English language

How to pronounce antimony in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms atomic number 51, sb
Type of metal, metallic element
Derivation antimonial, antimonic, antimonious

Examples of antimony

The new microelectrode is made of a glass capillary filled with liquid antimony.
From the sciencedaily.com
Of these, China exported antimony, tin, and tungsten in significant quantities.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Each recording layer is made up of an alloy of germanium, antimony and tellurium.
From the newscientist.com
Such metals include lithium, niobium-tantalum, bismuth, antimony and rare earths.
From the en.wikipedia.org
In PtolemaicEgypt small glass mirrors were made backed by lead, tin, or antimony.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Federal laws require that toys contain no more antimony than 60 parts per million.
From the post-gazette.com
In order to repay the loan, China provided Germany with tungsten and antimony.
From the en.wikipedia.org
A typical European casting alloy contains 94% tin, 1% copper, and 5% antimony.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Coal, iron ore, copper, chromium, antimony, mercury, gold, barite and borate.
From the telegraph.co.uk
More examples
  • A metallic element having four allotropic forms; used in a wide variety of alloys; found in stibnite
  • (antimonious) antimonic: relating to or derived from antimony; "antimonious oxide"
  • Antimony ;In the UK, the variable vowel is usually pronounced as a schwa ; in the US, it is generally a full . stibium) is a chemical element with the symbol Sb and an atomic number of 51. ...
  • (antimonies) Common misspelling of antinomies
  • (antimonious) Adjective. Given to complicating otherwise simple situations in order to make life more of a struggle, and therefore more interesting. Often results in absurd, mundane paradoxes, i.e., "too hungry to eat," "alone in a crowd," etc.
  • Stibiconite, an antimony mineral, Sb2O3(OH)2
  • A native metallic element, and mineral, that occurs in silvery or tin-white granular, platy, or shapeless masses.
  • (chemical symbol Sb, atomic number 51) is a metalloid with four allotropic forms. The stable form of antimony is a blue-white metal. Yellow and black antimony are unstable nonmetals. Antimony and many of its compounds are toxic and need to be handled with care.
  • The maximum contaminant level is 0.006 mg/L. Elevated levels of antimony can increase blood cholesterol and decrease blood glucose.