In this case, secondary stress falls on alternate syllables from the antepenult.
From the
In a word of three syllables, the names of the syllables are antepenult-penult-ultima.
From the
Penult and antepenult are abbreviations for paenultima and antepaenultima.
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The Greek stress here is on the penult syllable, but the English stress is on the antepenult.
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Modern Hebrew, however, has a moderate number of words which are neither milra nor mil'el, but are stressed on the antepenult or even further back.
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In this lexical domain, stress occurs on the antepenult if the penult is light and the antepenult is heavy, and otherwise on the penult.
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More examples
The 3rd syllable of a word counting back from the end
In linguistics, the ultima is the last syllable of a word, the penult is the next-to-last, and the antepenult is the third-from-last. In a word of three syllables, the names of the syllables are antepenult-penult-ultima.