The kits include, among other things, an anchor, rope and harness.
From the
Matthews unclipped the anchor rope holding us to the truck bumper and our sled slingshotted down the trail.
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Surveillance video from a nearby Walmart showed Oakes buying ankle weights, anchor rope, shin guards and a camouflage sweat suit shortly before Stover disappeared last October.
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When anchor rope, fishing line and the boats themselves are thoroughly dried, the invasive species and their eggs will die, rather than spreading to another location, she explains.
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But I was a little baffled by the anchor-and-rope schmaltz.
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Pilati's theme, in mostly black, red and yellow, was nautical, with anchor and rope motifs on many of the clothes.
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Aren't those folks generally involved in the purchase of uniforms, rope and anchor chains?
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They put the handcuffs back on and used a rope to fasten the couple to the anchor.
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A rope anchor line should be at least seven times longer than the depth of the water in the anchorage.