English language

How to pronounce anathema in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms bete noire
Type of disagreeable person, unpleasant person

he is an anathema to me.
Type Words
Type of condemnation, curse, execration
Derivation anathematize

Examples of anathema

Taking orders from one of Moorlach's minions is anathema, but I'm going to obey.
From the ocregister.com
Repudiating positions that are anathema to conservatism won't be enough, either.
From the washingtonpost.com
At China's current level of development, it is anathema to stability and growth.
From the forbes.com
A textbook case study, but his ideas were anathema to his dad in the milk trade.
From the smh.com.au
The concept of any kind of diesel Porsche has got to be total anathema to some.
From the cars.uk.msn.com
This is anathema to most Republican voters, who think Obamacare radical enough.
From the economist.com
That's anathema to retailers, who say they're only responding to consumer demand.
From the businessweek.com
Hence SUVs are anathema having high mass and the air resistance of a garden shed.
From the economist.com
But, unlike the minimum wage, workfare is anathema to Germany's traditional left.
From the economist.com
More examples
  • A detested person; "he is an anathema to me"
  • A formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication
  • Anathema is a term with several meanings. It derives from Greek u1F00u03BDu03ACu03B8u03B5u03BCu03B1, which meant "something dedicated" and, in the Septuagint and New Testament, "something dedicated to evil and thus accursed."
  • Anathema are an English band from Liverpool primarily known for helping to develop the death/doom and gothic metal sound. Later in their career, beginning with Eternity, they moved away from this sound into more melodic, atmospheric rock.
  • (Anathemas) are by far the most powerful and loathsome of yuan-ti, worshiped as divine incarnations of Merrshaulk. They are truly bizarre in appearance, with a body made of hundreds of snakes entwined together to hold up a gargantuan snake head. ...
  • (Gr.: a curse, suspension). The spiritual suspension with which the church may expel a person from her community for various reasons, especially denial of the faith or other mortal sins. ...
  • The Greek word for cursed or condemned, as used in the King James Version. "If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha" (1 Cor. 16:22 KJV).
  • (ah NATH e-ma) noun. Someone or something cursed, reviled or shunned.
  • A condemnation. Although not in popular use today, the Church would condemn via Canons specific false beliefs as promoted by heretics. Vatican II departed from the traditional method of Canons by using a prose style for its documents. ...