English language

How to pronounce american cheese in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms armerican cheddar, cheddar, cheddar cheese
Type of cheese
Has types rat cheese, store cheese

Examples of american cheese

american cheese
American cheese was originally only white, but is usually now modified to yellow.
From the en.wikipedia.org
American cheese held six slices of bacon in place.
From the thenewstribune.com
American cheese is a processed cheese.
From the en.wikipedia.org
American cheese in block form sold at deli counters is typically a less processed cheese than its individually wrapped cousin.
From the en.wikipedia.org
The beef and bacon burger is a house-ground beef and bacon patty with american cheese, ketchup, house mayo, lettuce, and onion on the side.
From the sfgate.com
American Airlines offers $5 Italian wraps, a turkey and cheese Ciabatta or an Asian chicken wrap.
From the edition.cnn.com
American fans of Roquefort will soon be paying a lot more for the cheese.
From the latimes.com