English language

How to pronounce alloy in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms metal
Type of mixture
Has types 22-karat gold, alnico, amalgam, babbitt, babbitt metal, bearing metal, britannia metal, carboloy, dental gold, nickel silver, oreide, oroide, pewter, pinchbeck, pot metal, pyrophoric alloy, shot metal, solder, steel, stellite, sterling silver, tambac, tombac, tombak, type metal, white gold, white metal, wood's alloy, wood's metal, cheoplastic metal, copper-base alloy, dental amalgam, 18-karat gold, duralumin, electrum, fusible metal, german silver, heavy metal, inconel, invar, nickel-base alloy, nickel alloy

brass is an alloy of zinc and copper.
Type Words
Synonyms debase
Type of devalue
Type Words
Synonyms admixture
Type of impurity, impureness
Type Words
Type of blend, coalesce, conflate, flux, fuse, immix, meld, merge, mix, combine, commingle

Examples of alloy

Showroom-fresh or well and truly used, cars sit on either steel or alloy wheels.
From the nzherald.co.nz
Develops and controls processes used in the manufacturing of copper alloy strip.
From the jobview.monster.com
The car was nicely turned out in 16in alloy wheels and metallic silver bodywork.
From the henleystandard.co.uk
Eighteen-inch alloy wheels wrapped in all-season rubber are standard on the RTL.
From the theepochtimes.com
Top hydrogen-absorbing metal alloy is sixty percent lighter than a battery pack.
From the sciencedaily.com
Some spelter, a white metal alloy that looks like silver, does attract a magnet.
From the orlandosentinel.com
Liang, Y. F.Fabrication and properties of Fe-6.5%Si alloy sheet by cold rolling.
From the nature.com
Consisting of 78% copper and 22% tin, this alloy is hard and extremely resonant.
From the guardian.co.uk
All have four-cam aluminum-alloy V-6 engines with four valves for each cylinder.
From the nytimes.com
More examples
  • A mixture containing two or more metallic elements or metallic and nonmetallic elements usually fused together or dissolving into each other when molten; "brass is an alloy of zinc and copper"
  • Debase: lower in value by increasing the base-metal content
  • Admixture: the state of impairing the quality or reducing the value of something
  • Make an alloy of
  • (alloyed) (used of metals) debased by mixture with an inferior element
  • (alloyed) (used of metals) blended to obtain a desired property
  • An alloy is a partial or complete solid solution of one or more elements in a metallic matrix. Complete solid solution alloys give single solid phase microstructure, while partial solutions give two or more phases that may be homogeneous in distribution depending on thermal (heat treatment) ...
  • Alloy is the fourth studio album by the Finnish funeral doom band Skepticism.
  • The Metal Men are fictional characters, a team of robot superheroes created by writer Robert Kanigher, pencilled by Ross Andru and inked by Mike Esposito for DC Comics in 1962. ...