English language

How to pronounce allantois in English?

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Type of fetal membrane

Examples of allantois

The allantois functions similarly in monotremes, which are egg-laying mammals.
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An amnion, chorion, and allantois are present during embryonic life.
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Oxygen is absorbed by the allantois through the egg shell.
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An exception is the allantois of the bandicoot, which has a vasculature, and fuses with the chorion.
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The function of the allantois is to collect liquid waste from the embryo, as well as to exchange gases used by the embryo.
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The first of these is the cranial portion which is continuous with the allantois and forms the bladder proper.
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The human allantois is an endodermal evagination of the developing hindgut which becomes surrounded by the mesodermal connecting stalk.
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The human urinary bladder is derived in embryo from the urogenital sinus and, it is initially continuous with the allantois.
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More examples
  • The vascular fetal membrane that lies below the chorion and develops from the hindgut in many embryonic higher vertebrates (reptiles, birds and mammals)
  • (allantoic) relating to or characterized by an allantois
  • Allantois (plural allantoides or allantoises) is a part of a developing animal conceptus (which consists of all embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues). It helps the embryo exchange gases and handle liquid waste.
  • A sac, having a number of functions, that develops in the alimentary canal of the embryos of mammals, birds and reptiles
  • One of four extraembryonic membranes; serves as a repository for the embryo's nitrogenous waste.
  • Greek allantos = sausage, eidos = like, form.
  • Extra-embryonic membrane emerging as a sac from the hindgut's ventral wall; formed from the splanchnopleure (combination of endoderm and splanchnic mesoderm). ...
  • Sac that develops between the eggshell and amnion for respiration of the embryo in a cleidoic egg.
  • An extraembryonic membranous sac involved in the formation of blood cells. It gives rise to the fetal umbilical arteries and vein and also contributes to the formation of the urinary bladder.