English language

How to pronounce all of a sudden in English?

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Synonyms of a sudden, suddenly
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Synonyms all at once

Examples of all of a sudden

all of a sudden
The rumors are how Manny, all of a sudden, got very strong and powerful and big.
From the sportsillustrated.cnn.com
All of a sudden places we long-timers never knew even had a name became labeled.
From the time.com
All of a sudden he snared a white kitchen sink stopper by its metal ring on top.
From the ocregister.com
All of a sudden, there are more defensive lineman than I've seen in a long time.
From the kansas.com
All of a sudden, they were back in a dark place they'd hoped they'd left behind.
From the bostonherald.com
All of a sudden, the frame is out of Trump's reach, and his lead is about to go.
From the guardian.co.uk
I was sitting in my favorite spot and, all of a sudden, he got down on one knee.
From the post-gazette.com
All of a sudden we should keep those terrorists in the prison at Guantanamo Bay.
From the dailyherald.com
All of a sudden a tight game had become a 28-14 Oaks Christian lead at halftime.
From the dailynews.com