Valuing a brand's Cultural Capital uses an algorithmic program to calculate the relevance of a brand against its competitors and in doing so, provides a specific numeric index score.
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This program would be considered a hard-coded solution as opposed to an algorithmic one.
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Then, the program employs an algorithmic solver to determine what dollar amount to allocate to each investment in order to achieve the desired annual interest rate.
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A live algorithmic performance featuring a film noir assembled by a computer program from raw visual and audio elements.
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To manage the predictive aspects of the program, Cohen used a uniquely sensitive mathematical approach based on algorithmic information theory.
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The algorithmic information content in a number is, roughly speaking, the length of the shortest computer program that will produce that number as output.
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Program trading was implicated in the 1987 crash, and serious reservations about the impenetrability of algorithmic high-frequency trading were being expressed around 2005-6.