As any air-mile connoisseur can confirm, this kind of blitzkrieg mission requires a reservoir of stamina that can be guaranteed only by an unbroken night of slumber.
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In the thin air a mile above sea level, that same ball might fly 230 yards and roll 30.
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Drivers for theatrical or television motion picture productions are exempt if the driver operates within a 100 air-mile radius of the location where the driver reports to and is released from work.
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A typical bowling ball travels a half-mile up in the air and lands about a mile away.
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Torre said he didn't want to test the knuckleball in the thin, mile-high air.
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She ate vegetarian, drank shade-grown coffee and traveled not a single mile by air.
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The average air fare per mile at Charlotte was 37 cents, a penny lower than Columbia.
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Ted Schade is air pollution control officer in the 110-mile-long Owens Valley.
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Hampton never felt comfortable in two seasons pitching in the mile-high air of Denver.