The ideal candidate will have abackground in military and aerospace engineering.
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The aerospace and automotive industries also rely on Team's inspection services.
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His dad, an aerospace engineer, took a new job at the Rockwell Rocketdyne plant.
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People sometimes think we're picking the pockets of the U.S. aerospace industry.
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Much of the book's narrative centers on the struggles of two aerospace startups.
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Their clients range from aerospace engineering companies to medical technicians.
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The event also featured a Who's Who of local aerospace, military and government.
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Completing the board is retired aerospace manager Raymond Sharkey of Titusville.
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Its focus is on military, aerospace and other segments of the aviation industry.
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More examples
The atmosphere and outer space considered as a whole
Aerospace comprises the atmosphere of Earth and surrounding space. Typically the term is used to refer to the industry that researches, designs, manufactures, operates, and maintains vehicles moving through air and space. ...
The atmosphere of the Earth and the region of space around it; The industry concerned with aircraft, missiles, satellites and spacecraft; Of, or relating to the Earth's atmosphere and nearby space; Of, or relating to the science, technology and industry associated with aircraft, missiles, ...
Aerospace engineering involves developing, designing, testing, and helping to manufacture commercial and military aircraft, missiles and spacecraft, and new technologies in commercial aviation, defense systems, and space exploration. ...
Warning or integrated tactical warning and attack assessment (ITW/AA) covers the monitoring of man-made objects in space, and the detection, validation, and warning of attack against North America by aircraft, missiles, or space vehicles.
1. The atmosphere of a planet and the space immediately surrounding it. 2. The combat arm that conducts operations in aerospace.