Much of the asbestos is known to emanate from fibrous tremolite or actinolite.
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Another gem variety is the chatoyant form known as cat's-eye actinolite.
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Amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, anthophyllite and actinolite are members of the amphibole class.
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Like tremolite, asbestiform actinolite is regulated as asbestos.
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Transparent actinolite is rare and is faceted for gem collectors.
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Major sources for these forms of actinolite are Taiwan and Canada.
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The green is due to abundant green chlorite, actinolite and epidote minerals that dominate the rock.
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However, basalts may remain quite black if primary pyroxene does not revert to chlorite or actinolite.
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Chlorite and to a lesser extent actinolite typically exhibit small, flat or acicular crystal habits.
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More examples
A green mineral of the amphibole group; calcium magnesium iron silicate
Actinolite is an amphibole silicate mineral with the chemical formula .
A prismatic mineral, typically dark green, containing calcium, iron, magnesium, silicon, oxygen, and hydrogen; commonly found in calc-silicate granulite.
(mineralogy) Actinote [ Ca2(Mg, Fe)5(Si4O11OH)2, silicate of calcium, lagnesium and iron, calco-sodic clino-amphibole ]