English language

How to pronounce acoustic buoy in English?

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Type Words
Type of buoy
Has types bell buoy, gong buoy, whistle buoy, whistling buoy

Examples of acoustic buoy

acoustic buoy
The recorder transmits acoustic signals to the buoy, which, in turn, relays the measurements of wave height to satellites.
From the newsweek.com
It has a $1.7 million Navy contract to use a buoy to power an underwater acoustic detection system on the edge of the continental shelf off New Jersey.
From the inrich.com
Winsor and Seitz suspended acoustic tags, usually implanted in fish, at different depths along a buoy line near Juneau.
From the sciencedaily.com
An acoustic link transmits data from the bottom pressure sensor to the surface buoy, and then satellite links relay the data to NOAA tsunami warning centers.
From the sciencedaily.com