The dialogue is breezy, the tone acerb and the climax as predictably uplifting as Rocky's.
From the
Acerb and iconoclastic, London's Reyner Banham occupies a special niche among critics of the man-made environment.
From the
He has obviously inherited his father's acerb satiric wit, but having nothing new to say, does not know what to do with it.
From the
Lawrence has Pryor's bantam pugnacity, but he lacks the underdog charm, the skewed genius for mimicry and acerb social humor.
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For nearly a decade, the Chinese and Soviets have amused or alarmed the world with some of the most acerb political invective ever hurled across a border.
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Some years ago, during a brief lull in Frost's career, acerb Journalist Malcolm Muggeridge predicted that Frost would sink without a trace.
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Her acerb slatternly mother, gobbling cigarettes and guzzling whisky, might simply have been a mutilating monster-except that every other word and gesture reveals the maimed woman inside.
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More examples
Sour or bitter in taste
Harsh or corrosive in tone; "an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose"; "a barrage of acid comments"; "her acrid remarks make her many enemies"; "bitter words"; "blistering criticism"; "caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics"; "a sulfurous ...
Acerbia is a genus of moths in the Arctiidae family.
Sour, bitter, and harsh to the taste, as unripe fruit; Sharp and harsh in expressing oneself
(acerbic) Wine that is sharp and acidic and very harsh on the palate.