German language

How to pronounce weight unit in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms weight
Type of unit of measurement, unit
Has types welterweight, apothecaries' weight, arroba, cattie, catty, crith, frail, last, maund, obolus, oka, picul, pood, rotl, tael, tod, troy unit, apothecaries' unit
Type Words
Synonyms metric weight unit
Type of mass unit, metric, metric unit
Has types ng, dag, decagram, decigram, dekagram, quintal, dg, t, dkg, doppelzentner, tonne, centner, g, gm, grain, gram, gram-atomic weight, gram atom, gram molecule, gramme, hectogram, hg, hundredweight, kg, kilo, kilogram, carat, mcg, mt, myriagram, nanogram, mol, mole, myg, metric grain, metric hundredweight, metric ton, mg, microgram, milligram