German language

How to pronounce weakness in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms failing
Type of imperfection, imperfectness
Has types insufficiency, inadequacy, flaw, fatigue
Derivation weak
Type Words
Synonyms helplessness, impuissance
Type of impotency, impotence, powerlessness
Derivation weak

in spite of their weakness the group remains active.
Type Words
Type of taste, penchant, predilection, preference

he has a weakness for chocolate.
Type Words
Type of bad luck, misfortune, tough luck, ill luck
Derivation weak

the weakness of the dollar against the yen.
Type Words
Type of property
Has types tenuity, vulnerability, weak part, adynamia, weak spot, attenuation, delicacy, enervation, faintness, fatigability, feebleness, flimsiness, fragility, inanition, insubstantiality, lassitude, lethargy, littleness, shoddiness, slackness, smallness, soft spot
Derivation weak

his weakness increased as he became older.
the weakness of the span was overlooked until it collapsed.