German language

How to pronounce waste in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms emaciate, macerate
Type of enfeeble, debilitate, drain
Derivation wastage, wasting
Type Words
Synonyms run off
Type of course, feed, flow, run

The water wastes back into the ocean.
Type Words
Synonyms blow, squander
Type of expend, use
Has types burn
Verb group blow
Derivation waster

He wasted his inheritance on his insincere friends.
Type Words
Synonyms rot
Type of devolve, degenerate, drop, deteriorate
Has types necrose, mortify, gangrene, sphacelate
Derivation wastage
Type Words
Synonyms do in, knock off, liquidate, neutralise, neutralize
Type of kill
Type Words
Synonyms desolate, devastate, lay waste to, ravage, scourge
Type of ruin, destroy
Has types ruin
Derivation waster

The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion.
Type Words
Synonyms languish, pine away
Type of weaken
Derivation wastage
Type Words
Synonyms godforsaken, wild

waste places.
Type Words
Synonyms barren, wasteland
Type of wilderness, wild
Has types heath, heathland

the trackless wastes of the desert.
Type Words
Synonyms dissipation, wastefulness
Type of activity
Has types high life, boondoggle, squandering, lavishness, waste of money, waste of time, waste of material, waste of energy, highlife, prodigality, waste of effort, extravagance

if the effort brings no compensating gain it is a waste.
Type Words
Synonyms consume, squander, ware
Type of expend, drop, spend
Has types dissipate, fling, tope, fool, fool away, fritter, fritter away, frivol away, lavish, luxuriate, overspend, wanton, shoot, shower, splurge, drink
Derivation waster

waste not, want not.
Type Words
Synonyms permissive waste
Type of act, human activity, human action, deed
Type Words
Synonyms thriftlessness, wastefulness
Type of improvidence, shortsightedness

a life characterized by thriftlessness and waste.
the wastefulness of missed opportunities.
Type Words
Synonyms waste material, waste matter, waste product
Type of stuff, material
Has types excreta, excretion, excretory product, exhaust, exhaust fumes, filth, food waste, fumes, garbage, sewage, body waste, crud, dross, effluent, excrement, impurity, pollutant, refuse, rubbish, scrap, scraps, wastewater, sewer water, sewerage, skank, slop, toxic industrial waste, toxic waste, trash

they collect the waste once a week.
much of the waste material is carried off in the sewers.
Type Words
Type of cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, discard, dispose, fling, put away, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out

We waste the dirty water by channeling it into the sewer.
Type Words
Type of use, employ, utilise, utilize, apply

waste heat.
waste a joke on an unappreciative audience.