German language

How to pronounce vocalization in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms phonation, vocalisation, vocalism, voice, vox
Type of communication
Has types sprechstimme, singing voice, sprechgesang, voice over
Derivation vocalize

the giraffe cannot make any vocalizations.
Type Words
Synonyms utterance
Type of auditory communication
Has types exclaiming, exclamation, expletive, exultation, groan, growling, hem, howl, howling, jubilation, laugh, laughter, moan, mumble, outcry, paging, profanity, pronunciation, rasp, rasping, rejoicing, roll call, shout, sigh, snarl, speaking, speech, speech production, splutter, yell, call, croak, croaking, cry, vociferation, ahem, sputter, suspiration, ululation
Derivation vocalize