The basic principle of the whole program is to focus on the human being as an important factor within the transition towards sustainability.
In the study program we work with small groups, with international students and with students who are all interested in the topic of sustainability and psychology.
That provides a very fruitful ground to work together with the students and to discuss different ideas, research topics, theories,
but also how to apply those theories and these empirical findings to the field of practice.
So, I would say the study program is very interactive and very communicative. And that's what i like about the study program.
As a small group they start to study psychology at Leuphana University and then, as a whole group, they move on to Groningen.
They always have in the back mind the topic of sustainability and psychology -
and based on all of that they develop a feeling of shared belonging over the whole study program.
Well I would say Groningen is one of the most leading universities in Europe but also on the international level to deal with the topic of environmental psychology.
And at Leuphana University we have a long history in the domain of sustainability science.
So as a matter of fact, it's a great opportunity to bring those two different perspectives together.
And therefore we create some win-win solution specifically for the students. A great opportunity for all of us, who join the program.
Well, there are different measures that students can apply when they have finished their study program.
For instance they may become advisors in the public sector, change agents in organisations, consultants in the political systems.
However as I think, the hugest challenges of nowadays are located in the different types of transitions we are facing in our society.
Digitalisation, demographic change, climate change - facing all these challenges the society needs psychologists who promote our understanding in the society,
to understand that human beings are highly relevant factor in the transition towards sustainability.