German language

How to pronounce strength in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms military capability, military posture, military strength, posture
Type of capableness, capability
Has types sea power, firepower

we faced an army of great strength.
Type Words
Synonyms force, forcefulness
Type of intensity, intensiveness
Has types impulse, energy, zip, momentum, vigor, brunt, vigour

it was destroyed by the strength of the gale.
Type Words
Synonyms persuasiveness
Type of powerfulness, power
Has types convincingness

the strength of his argument settled the matter.
Type Words
Synonyms durability, enduringness, lastingness
Type of permanence, permanency
Has types everlastingness, continuity, changelessness, tensile strength, indestructibility, persistence
Type Words
Synonyms intensity, intensity level
Type of magnitude
Has types acoustic power, candlepower, field intensity, field strength, half-intensity, light intensity, radio brightness, sound pressure level, threshold level

they measured the station's signal strength.
Type Words
Synonyms forte, long suit, metier, speciality, specialty, strong point, strong suit
Type of plus, asset
Has types green fingers, green thumb
Type Words
Synonyms effectiveness, potency
Type of powerfulness, power

the strength of the drinks.
Type Words
Type of successfulness, prosperity

the strength of the company's stock in recent weeks.
Type Words
Type of property
Has types sinew, brawn, soundness, stalwartness, stoutness, sturdiness, heartiness, toughness, hardiness, vigor, good part, vigour, firmness, endurance, dynamism, brawniness, mightiness, muscle, might, muscularity, lustiness, invulnerability, invincibility, indomitability, power, huskiness, robustness, ruggedness, heftiness

fatigue sapped his strength.