German language

How to pronounce stories in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms account, chronicle, history
Type of record
Has types chronological record, historical document, historical paper, historical record, life story, ancient history, case history, etymology, recital, annals, biography, life, life history

a history of France.
the story of exposure to lead.
Type Words
Synonyms fib, tale, taradiddle, tarradiddle
Type of lie, prevarication
Has types fairy tale, song and dance, fairytale, cock-and-bull story, fairy story
Type Words
Synonyms account, news report, report, write up
Type of news
Has types bulletin, scoop, urban legend, newsletter, newssheet, communique, despatch, dispatch, exclusive

the story was on the 11 o'clock news.
Type Words
Synonyms floor, level, storey
Type of construction, structure
Has types loft, attic, ground level, garret, first floor, ground floor, cellar, entresol, mezzanine, mezzanine floor, basement
Type Words
Synonyms narration, narrative, tale
Type of content, subject matter, message, substance
Has types sob stuff, sob story, nursery rhyme, folktale, fairytale, fairy story, tall tale, tearjerker, folk tale, fairy tale
Type Words
Type of fiction
Has types adventure story, allegory, apologue, fable, heroic tale, legend, love story, mystery, mystery story, myth, parable, plot, romance, short story, whodunit