German language

How to pronounce stir in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms arouse, bring up, call down, call forth, conjure, conjure up, evoke, invoke, put forward, raise
Type of summon, call up
Has types bedamn, anathemise, maledict, beshrew, bless, curse, imprecate, anathemize, damn
Verb group provoke, kick up, evoke, call forth
Type Words
Synonyms ado, bustle, flurry, fuss, hustle
Type of din, ruckus, ruction, rumpus, tumult, commotion
Type Words
Synonyms touch
Type of move, impress, affect, strike
Has types get
Derivation stirring

A stirring movie.
Type Words
Synonyms arouse
Type of move

As the thunder started the sleeping children began to stir.
Type Words
Synonyms excite, stimulate
Type of sensitise, sensitize
Has types quicken, blow, disgust, fellate, fuck off, go down on, gross out, horripilate, jack off, jerk off, masturbate, repel, revolt, she-bop, suck, thrill, wank, whet, work

stir emotions.
Type Words
Synonyms excite, shake, shake up, stimulate
Type of elicit, kindle, fire, raise, evoke, enkindle, arouse, provoke
Has types lift up, tickle, titillate, intoxicate, tempt, inspire, wind up, invigorate, invite, affright, thrill, arouse, pick up, turn on, uplift, scare, animate, sex, elate, enliven, exalt, excite, vibrate, fright, frighten, fuel
Derivation stirrer
Type Words
Synonyms splash
Type of commotion, to-do, hoo-ha, disruption, flutter, hurly burly, kerfuffle, disturbance, hoo-hah
Type Words
Synonyms agitate, budge, shift
Type of move
Type Words
Type of agitation
Has types sensation, electricity
Type Words
Type of work
Type Words
Type of displace, move
Has types paddle, churn
Derivation stirrer

stir the soup.
stir my drink.
stir the soil.