German language

How to pronounce smooth in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms legato
Derivation smoothness
Type Words
Synonyms placid, quiet, still, tranquil, unruffled
Derivation smoothness

a smooth channel crossing.
Type Words
Synonyms polish, shine, smoothen
Type of embellish, fancify, prettify, beautify
Has types gloss, buff, simonise, simonize, sleek, slick, furbish, burnish
Type Words
Synonyms smoothen
Type of change surface
Has types sandpaper, file, float, launch, plane, rake, sand, sandblast, strip
Derivation smoother

smooth the surface of the wood.
Type Words
Synonyms smooth out
Type of rid, disembarrass, free

smooth the way towards peace negotiations.
Type Words
Synonyms bland, politic, suave
Derivation smoothness

the manager pacified the customer with a smooth apology for the error.
Type Words
Synonyms fluent, fluid, liquid
Derivation smoothness

a long, smooth stride.
Type Words
Derivation smoothness

smooth skin.
a smooth tabletop.
smooth fabric.
a smooth road.
water as smooth as a mirror.
Type Words
Derivation smoothness

the bill's path through the legislature was smooth and orderly.
Type Words
Derivation smoothness
Type Words
Type of achievement, accomplishment

he gave his hair a quick smooth.
Type Words
Derivation smoothness

a smooth ride.