German language

How to pronounce shoot in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms film, take
Type of record, enter, put down
Has types reshoot
Verb group photograph, snap

shoot a movie.
Type Words
Synonyms inject
Type of enclose, insert, inclose, put in, introduce, stick in
Verb group inject
Type Words
Synonyms buck, charge, shoot down, tear
Type of hasten, pelt along, cannonball along, race, bucket along, belt along, hotfoot, step on it, speed, rush, rush along, hie
Has types rip
Verb group scoot, flash, dash, dart, scud
Type Words
Synonyms hit, pip
Type of injure, wound
Has types grass, kneecap, gun down
Verb group pip, hit, strike, blast
Derivation shooter
Type Words
Synonyms dissipate, fool, fool away, fritter, fritter away, frivol away
Type of squander, ware, consume, waste
Type Words
Synonyms blast
Type of fire, discharge
Has types pump, gun, fire, open fire, sharpshoot, overshoot, blaze away, blaze, snipe
Verb group pip, hit
Derivation shooting, shooter
Type Words
Synonyms photograph, snap
Type of record, put down, enter
Has types x-ray, retake
Verb group take, film
Type Words
Synonyms dart, dash, flash, scoot, scud
Type of pelt along, hie, rush, rush along, hotfoot, step on it, hasten, speed, belt along, race, bucket along, cannonball along
Has types plunge
Verb group charge, shoot down, buck, tear
Type Words
Synonyms pip
Type of kill
Has types pick off, flight
Verb group pip, hit
Derivation shooting, shooter
Type Words
Synonyms bourgeon, burgeon forth, germinate, pullulate, sprout, spud
Type of grow
Verb group germinate
Type Words
Synonyms inject
Type of administer, dispense
Has types immunise, vaccinate, inoculate, infuse, immunize
Verb group inject
Type Words
Type of sprout
Has types sucker, tiller
Type Words
Type of smart, ache, hurt
Type Words
Type of give out, emit, give off
Type Words
Type of measure out, measure, mensurate

shoot a star.
Type Words
Type of rack up, hit, score, tally

shoot a basket.
shoot a goal.
Type Words
Type of project, contrive, cast, throw

shoot a glance.
Type Words
Type of shot, shooting
Has types skeet, trapshooting, skeet shooting

they hold a shoot every weekend during the summer.
Type Words
Type of throw
Derivation shooter
Type Words
Type of hit
Has types knuckle, double bogey, double birdie, bogey, carom, break, birdie, chip, eagle, dunk
Derivation shooter

shoot craps.
shoot a golf ball.
Type Words
Type of let loose, emit, let out, utter
Type Words
Type of interweave, weave

shoot cloth.