German language

How to pronounce separation in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms legal separation
Type of surcease, cessation
Derivation separate
Type Words
Synonyms breakup, detachment
Type of alteration, modification, change
Has types break, breach, rift, rupture, falling out, severance
Derivation separate
Type Words
Synonyms interval
Type of distance
Has types clearance

fragile items require separation and cushioning.
Type Words
Type of sorting
Has types threshing, winnowing, winnow, sifting
Derivation separate

the separation of wheat from chaff.
the separation of mail by postal zones.
Type Words
Type of change of integrity
Has types sectionalisation, secession, detachment, withdrawal, disconnection, disengagement, tear, disjunction, dissociation, disunion, divergence, divergency, division, avulsion, partitioning, remotion, removal, sectionalization, segmentation, partition
Derivation separate
Type Words
Type of group action
Has types closing off, divorce, divorcement, isolation, seclusion, segregation, separationism, separatism, sequestration
Derivation separate

the separation of church and state.
Type Words
Type of space

he hid in the separation between walls.
Type Words
Type of state
Has types severalty, isolation, distinctness, disconnection, disconnectedness, disassociation, disjuncture, disjunction, discreteness, discontinuity, separateness
Type Words
Type of final result, outcome, resultant, termination, result