German language

How to pronounce reproduce in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms regurgitate
Type of repeat, echo
Type Words
Synonyms multiply, procreate
Type of create, make
Has types propagate, multiply, cover, incubate, fructify, hatch, set, breed, brood
Derivation reproduction, reproductive

These bacteria reproduce.
Type Words
Type of create, make, produce
Has types fingerprint, repeat, replay, replicate, reprint, run off, simulate, duplicate, imitate, double, triplicate, copy, photocopy, play back, print, xerox, quadruplicate, reduplicate, reissue
Derivation reproduction

reproduce the painting.
Type Words
Type of re-create
Has types catch, get

this DVD player reproduces the sound of the piano very well.
He reproduced the feeling of sadness in the portrait.