German language

How to pronounce render in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms furnish, provide, supply
Type of give
Has types coal, computerise, computerize, constitutionalize, copper-bottom, corbel, cornice, costume, crenel, crenelate, crenellate, curtain, dado, date, edge, equip, extend, feed, fire, fit, fit out, flood, fret, fuel, fund, furnish, gate, give, partner, afford, air-condition, air-cool, alphabetize, arm, articulate, bed, berth, bewhisker, border, bottom, brattice, bush, buy in, calk, canal, canalise, canalize, capitalise, capitalize, caption, causeway, charge, cleat, cloy, reflectorise, reflectorize, retrofit, rim, sanitate, scant, seat, shelter, signalise, signalize, skimp, slat, step, stint, stock, stock up, subtitle, surfeit, tap, terrace, terrasse, theme, ticket, toggle, tool, top, top out, transistorise, transistorize, tube, uniform, upholster, victual, water, wharf, whisker, wive, yield, glass, glaze, glut, grate, hat, headline, headquarter, heat, hobnail, hydrate, index, innervate, interleave, joint, kern, key, leverage, machicolate, match, offer, outfit, oversupply, patch, pour, provision, pump, purvey, rafter, rail, railroad, ramp
Type Words
Synonyms try
Type of melt, melt down, run

render fat in a casserole.
Type Words
Synonyms interpret
Type of execute, perform, do
Has types sing
Derivation rendering, rendition

The pianist rendered the Beethoven sonata beautifully.
Type Words
Synonyms give
Type of communicate, intercommunicate
Has types dedicate
Verb group give
Derivation rendering

render thanks.
Type Words
Synonyms deliver, fork out, fork over, fork up, hand over, turn in
Type of reach, hand, pass on, give, turn over, pass
Has types bail, give away

render up the prisoners.
render the town to the enemy.
Type Words
Synonyms generate, give, return, yield
Type of create, make, produce
Verb group yield, establish, give

The estate renders some revenue for the family.
Type Words
Synonyms deliver, return
Type of put across, pass, pass along, communicate, pass on

render a verdict.
Type Words
Synonyms depict, picture, show
Type of represent, interpret
Has types map, illustrate

the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting.
Type Words
Synonyms interpret, translate
Type of retell, reiterate, restate, repeat, iterate, ingeminate
Has types mistranslate, gloss, retranslate, latinize
Verb group translate

She rendered the French poem into English.
Type Words
Synonyms return
Type of give
Has types feed back, resubmit

render money.
Type Words
Synonyms submit
Type of give, gift, present

They had to render the estate.
Type Words
Type of stucco
Type Words
Type of get, make

The shot rendered her immobile.
Type Words
Type of coat, surface

render the brick walls in the den.