German language

How to pronounce reflexion in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms mirror image, reflection
Type of likeness, alikeness, similitude
Type Words
Synonyms reflection
Type of picture, icon, ikon, image
Type Words
Synonyms reflection, reflectivity
Type of physical property
Has types sound reflection, echo, replication, reverberation
Type Words
Synonyms expression, manifestation, reflection
Type of demo, demonstration
Has types act, blowup, ebullition, effusion, gush, lamentation, mourning, outburst
Type Words
Synonyms reflection
Type of physical phenomenon
Has types flare, interreflection, virtual image, zodiacal light
Type Words
Synonyms contemplation, musing, reflection, rumination, thoughtfulness
Type of consideration
Has types meditation, introspection, study, speculation, cogitation, self-examination, self-contemplation, retrospect
Type Words
Synonyms observation, reflection
Type of remark, comment, input