German language

How to pronounce range in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms grade, order, place, rank, rate
Type of judge, pass judgment, evaluate
Has types prioritize, reorder, seed, subordinate, superordinate, shortlist, sequence, downgrade, upgrade, prioritise
Type Words
Synonyms straddle
Type of be, represent, constitute, comprise, make up
Has types spread-eagle
Type Words
Synonyms compass, grasp, reach
Type of capableness, potentiality, capability
Has types ken, sight
Type Words
Synonyms reach
Type of limit
Has types rifle range, rifle shot, earreach, hearing, eyeshot, earshot, view

range of motion.
Type Words
Synonyms ambit, compass, orbit, reach, scope
Type of extent
Has types internationality, approximate range, sweep, confines, purview, contrast, ballpark, spectrum, horizon, internationalism, view, expanse, latitude, gamut, pallet, palette

the range of a supersonic jet.
a piano has a greater range than the human voice.
Type Words
Synonyms chain, chain of mountains, mountain chain, mountain range, range of mountains
Type of formation, geological formation

the valley was between two ranges of hills.
the plains lay just beyond the mountain range.
Type Words
Synonyms browse, crop, graze, pasture
Type of eat, feed
Verb group graze, crop, pasture
Type Words
Synonyms cast, drift, ramble, roam, roll, rove, stray, swan, tramp, vagabond, wander
Type of move, go, locomote, travel
Has types maunder, gallivant, gad, jazz around
Verb group stray, err, drift, wander
Type Words
Synonyms run
Type of be
Verb group lead, extend, go, pass, run

Estimates for the losses in the earthquake range as high as $2 billion.
The instruments ranged from tuba to cymbals.
My students range from very bright to dull.
Type Words
Synonyms image, range of a function
Type of set
Type Words
Synonyms cooking stove, kitchen range, kitchen stove, stove
Type of kitchen appliance
Has types cookstove, gas range, primus stove, primus, potbelly stove, potbelly, gas cooker, spirit stove, gas stove, charcoal burner, electric range
Type Words
Synonyms array, lay out, set out
Type of arrange, set up
Has types compart
Type Words
Type of piece of land, parcel of land, piece of ground, tract, parcel
Has types home range, home territory
Derivation rangy

they used to drive the cattle across the open range every spring.
he dreamed of a home on the range.
Type Words
Type of installation, facility
Has types test range, rifle range, practice range

the army maintains a missile range in the desert.
any good golf club will have a range where you can practice.
Type Words
Type of mixture, mixed bag, smorgasbord, miscellany, miscellanea, potpourri, variety, salmagundi, assortment, motley
Has types band

he answered a range of questions.
he was impressed by the range and diversity of the collection.
Type Words
Has types carry

This gun ranges over two miles.
Type Words
Type of give, feed
Verb group pasture, crop, graze, browse

range the animals in the prairie.