German language

How to pronounce protection in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms tribute
Type of extortion

every store in the neighborhood had to pay him protection.
Type Words
Synonyms protective cover, protective covering
Type of covering
Has types cowling, cap, cladding, cloche, coaster, cold frame, cover, cowl, crystal, dashboard, dust cover, escutcheon, faceplate, facing, fall-board, fallboard, finger plate, heat shield, hood, housing, lamp shade, lampshade, liner, lining, mask, mulch, overlay, overlayer, ring-binder, roof, screen, scutcheon, shade, sheath, sheathing, shelter, shield, splashboard, splasher, testudo, thumbstall, toecap, washboard, watch crystal, watch glass, armguard, armor, armour, back, bell glass, bell jar, binder, binding, blind, bonnet, book binding, bracer
Derivation protect

they had no protection from the fallout.
wax provided protection for the floors.
Type Words
Synonyms security
Type of assets
Has types insurance, easy street, hedging, hedge

insurance provided protection against loss of wages due to illness.
Type Words
Synonyms trade protection
Type of imposition, infliction
Derivation protect

he made trade protection a plank in the party platform.
Type Words
Synonyms aegis, auspices
Type of indorsement, endorsement
Type Words
Synonyms shelter
Type of security
Has types insurance, indemnity, radioprotection

they were huddled together for protection.
he enjoyed a sense of peace and protection in his new home.
Type Words
Type of activity
Has types charge, civil defense, vaccinating, shielding, locking, lockup, waterproofing, covering, momism, accompaniment, sealing, defence, defense, self-defence, escort, ruggedisation, immunisation, immunization, inoculating, insulation, ruggedization, saving, care, patrol, preservation, self-defense, guardianship, self-protection, tutelage, air cover, overprotection, overshielding
Derivation protect

the witnesses demanded police protection.