German language

How to pronounce power in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms electrical energy, electricity
Type of free energy, energy
Has types dc, ac, direct electric current, signal, direct current, alternating current, alternating electric current

The power went oout around midnight.
Type Words
Synonyms office
Type of state
Has types war power, executive clemency

during his first year in power.
the power of the president.
Type Words
Synonyms great power, major power, superpower, world power
Type of commonwealth, land, country, body politic, res publica, nation, state
Has types hegemon
Type Words
Synonyms exponent, index
Type of mathematical notation
Has types logarithm, degree, log
Type Words
Synonyms baron, big businessman, business leader, king, magnate, mogul, top executive, tycoon
Type of man of affairs, businessman
Has types oil tycoon
Type Words
Synonyms ability
Type of noesis, cognition, knowledge
Has types skill, hand, intelligence, know-how, leadership, creativity, creativeness, mental ability, mental faculty, module, creative thinking, originality, capacity, science, bilingualism, faculty, attainment, aptitude, acquisition, acquirement, superior skill, accomplishment

danger heightened his powers of discrimination.
Type Words
Synonyms powerfulness
Type of quality
Has types sway, throttlehold, valence, valency, veto, effectualness, free will, influence, effectivity, interest, interestingness, control, effectuality, effectiveness, legal power, stranglehold, disposal, strength, discretion, repellent, irresistibleness, jurisdiction, chokehold, irresistibility, persuasiveness, potency, preponderance, puissance, repellant

the deterrent power of nuclear weapons.
the power of his love saved her.
his powerfulness was concealed by a gentle facade.
Type Words
Synonyms force
Type of causal agent, cause, causal agency
Has types steamroller, moloch, influence, juggernaut

the mysterious presence of an evil power.
Type Words
Synonyms might, mightiness
Type of strength
Type Words
Type of physical phenomenon
Has types electrical power, waterpower, electric power, wattage
Type Words
Type of provide, supply, ply, cater
Has types drive

The gasoline powers the engines.