German language

How to pronounce plan in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms design
Type of organisation, system, organization, arrangement
Has types hotel plan, layout, meal plan, trap, configuration, snare, constellation

a plan for seating guests.
Type Words
Synonyms architectural plan
Type of drawing
Has types floor plan, elevation

the plans for City Hall were on file.
Type Words
Synonyms contrive, design, project
Type of create by mental act, create mentally
Has types concert, map, map out, plot
Derivation planner, planning

plan an attack.
Type Words
Synonyms design
Type of create mentally, create by mental act
Has types draught, engineer, draft, redesign, blueprint
Derivation planner, planning

plan the new wing of the museum.
Type Words
Synonyms program, programme
Type of idea, thought
Has types pension account, pension plan, plan of action, project, projection, regime, regimen, retirement account, retirement plan, retirement program, retirement savings account, retirement savings plan, road map, schedule, schema, stock purchase plan, scheme, audit program, audit programme, blueprint, budget, design, docket, agenda, employee savings plan, guideline, master plan, outline, pattern

they drew up a six-step plan.
they discussed plans for a new bond issue.
Type Words
Synonyms be after
Type of mean, think, intend
Has types think out, aim, aspire, draw a bead on, go for, hope, shoot for

He plans to be in graduate school next year.
The rebels had planned turmoil and confusion.
Type Words
Type of cerebrate, cogitate, think
Has types intend, lay out, chart, mastermind, direct, frame, destine, specify, draw up, engineer, orchestrate, organise, organize, plot, compose, project, propose, designate, schedule, scheme
Derivation planner, planning

He is planning a trip with his family.