German language

How to pronounce performer in German?

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Synonyms performing artist
Type of entertainer
Has types artiste, baton twirler, comedian, comic, conjurer, conjuror, cowboy, dancer, ecdysiast, executant, exotic dancer, fire-eater, fire-swallower, fire walker, geek, headliner, histrion, illusionist, instrumentalist, juggler, magician, minstrel, monologist, musician, peeler, player, prestidigitator, professional dancer, puppeteer, rodeo rider, role player, savoyard, second banana, sightreader, snake charmer, star, straight man, stripper, striptease, striptease artist, stripteaser, strongman, terpsichorean, thespian, twirler, vaudevillian, actor, ventriloquist
Derivation perform