And this is the evening before my trip to Korea!... The light is very creepy right now..
It's 10 pm right now.
And my journey starts tomorrow!
I set an alarm for 5:30 am.
And we will drive to the airport at 6:30 am.
And my flight starts at 3:15 pm.
I packed my luggage and my backpack today. They are currently in the corridor.
My suitcase is heavy.. I'm allowed to take 30 kg with me and it currently weights around 23 kg.
And I'm almost not able to close my backpack because it's so full.. but most of the stuff inside are cookies.
I mean what else?
And I hope I'm able to fall asleep tonight.
It would be problematic if I won't fall asleep..
Because I have a travel time of more than 28 hours so it would be bad if I couldn't sleep.
But.. let's hope!:)
And by the way don't be confused about the cat hair on my shirt.
I said goodbye to my cats earlier. It was very emotional.
And that's why my T-shirt looks like this.
I just said goodbye to my parents.
And now I'll just take a look around.
Right now I have no information about my gate
But I'm in Duty Free right now and I don't know what I'll do right now.
I still have 3 hours left until the plane takes off.
Let's see-
The light is not that great but who cares.
Update: I'm sitting here with my MacBook
And I'm sitting here because to which gate I have to go and that means that I don't know to which security control I have to go.
I know that I have to go to gate E but I don't know the number
And now I have to wait until I know it so that I can go to security.
And now I'll just try to kill some time.
I'm in the plane right now.
And I have a pillow.
What's that? Headphones... well I don't need those.
And a blanket.
I'm so excited! I'm sitting at the window.
Let's start this journey!
In German time it's 6:45 pm right now.
It's already been more than three hours since we started.
And.. how much is left?
*looking at the screen on the seat*
There are around 3 hours left.
And... I tried to sleep but I can't because I have noise cancelling earphones and they are very great
but the problem is that they push my earrings behind and that really hurts when I lay my head to the wall.
I don't want to be on this plane anymore..
And when I think about spending 4 hours in Dubai just to sit another 8 hours in a plane...
I hate flying so much!
I just arrived in Dubai and I'm on my way to my gate.
The boarding starts in around 2 hours but I don't care. I want to go there and take a look around.
And then I'll maybe search for a place to sleep
That would be great... And I look absolutely ugly right now..
But I have to search the gate first.
Hi! We look weird because it's very hot here but we are...
we are at our new home!
And we will go get to know the area here.
oh my god that's so crazy
We really shouldn't get lost.
If we do we just have to ask for the way
Samsung Cybervillage<3
Jule what do you say about our best friend?
It's just amazing
And what do you say about our other friend in the bathroom?
Oh no.. it should just go away.
Ok so we are in our neighborhood
And when we go down here..
Right now we are going to the convenience store to buy a T-money card.
And our clothes are matching! -Yes!
We don't know themxD Does anyone know who they are?:)
omg you're such a model!
I was so confused
Are we going in the right direction? -I don't know.
Is that the right direction? -I'll have a look. -Isn't the convenience store in that direction?
No I think we have to go there
Today is our second evening here and now I'll sum up yesterday and today
The flight to Dubai was actually okay. Nobody sat in the middle. I sat next to the window and on the other side sat a man.
And I couldn't sleep.. but the food was good. That's the most important thing.
They served curry that was just like the one our host mom did today!
Did you eat it? -Yes it was very good.
I actually tastes very similar.
Now I know what that reminded me of.
Anyway.. my time in Dubai was very boring.
I walked around the terminal so much because I didn't want to sit the whole time when I have to take the plane for 8 hours.
And yes.. it was boring.
And the flight to Incheon was horrible.
Because my leg hurt a lot.. but I mean I slept for 4 hours and the man next to me me was nice.
The flight attendant woke me up for breakfast. In German time at 3 am so that was a bit confusing.
And I was so glad when I got out of the plane.
In the airport we had to go through... that wasn't immigration, was it?
What was that?
Where you had to look up.
To look up? -Yes in a camera. -I didn't have to do that. -Really?
And then my taxi driver picked me up.
He was very nice. He talked in Korean to me.. very fast and not clearly.
And I was so tired that I...
He said something about Sauna, about Germany and beer.. and pork leg.
And some other things.. but he was very friendly.
I don't remember how long the taxi drive was.. around 40 minutes maybe?
And that noise is the fan by the way.
Our best friend here
And then I arrived and the thing is, we, Jule and I, have a host eomma (a host mom)
and our host eomma has a brother and he also visited us yesterday. He is also very friendly and speaks a bit English.
And apparently there is also a niece, but we haven't met her yet.
Okay so I entered the apartment and Jule was standing there
EF actually told us that they won't put students with the same mother tongue in an accommodation.
So I asked: Oh where are you from?
And Jule said Germany.
And then I said: Then we can speak German together.
And that was that.
And then we wanted to go outside yesterday.. going to a convenience store and something like that.
And then I noticed.. Oh! My backpack is missing! I left it in the taxi.
So I sent a message to the transfer manager and he told me that I'll get my backpack back today.
We went outside anyway.. and we went to Seoullo.
Seoullo is a bridge with trees on it. That was really nice.
And we also went to a.. it was a gate right?
Yes.. a gate, palace thing.
A palace gate thing.. but it was locked so we couldn't go there.
And then we went back home after walking a very steep way.
Yes and then we went to bed very quickly
Our blankets are very funny.
I don't know why they're funny but they are funny.
Yesterday evening-
Yesterday evening we just wanted to sleep. And I almost fell asleep but then I heard from Jule "hihihihi"
I was like: what?
And she said: I just thought about the blankets.
Anyway.. This morning we set an alarm for 7am.
When did we wake up?
We stood up because.. I haven't told this yet!
In our bathroom
There! There is our bathroom.
is some kind of an insect.
And that's creepy because it has those long things in front of its head.
And this morning we wanted to- I don't know why- Why did we do that?
Because I had to use the bathroom!
Right! And then I volunteered to put a box over the insect but it started jumping and I screamed.
But luckily it wasn't that loud.. was it loud? No right?
medium loud
And in the end it didn't matter because it jumped away. We tried again and it jumped again.
And then Jule went to the other bathroom.
And most likely woke up our eomma while doing so
And then we got ready and ate breakfast and then the- what's his name?
The brother? -Yes. He didn't tell us a name.
He picked us up and we bought T-money cards together.
Where is it?
Here it is. We put 10.000 Won on it.
And we spent most of it already.
And then he brought us to the school, even to the floor where the school is located and talked to a teacher and asked where we had to go.
That was so sweet! -Yes that was so nice!
That was really sweet.
And he speaks English a little bit but most of the time he tried to explain things in simple Korean.
Just like our eomma.
She also speaks in simple Korean with us
..with you. -Yes with me. I translate everything.
But that's okay!
Today we learned.. what did we learn today?
I don't know. -It means "Thank you for the meal"
It doesn't matter since class starts tomorrow.
We had a little orientation at school. They did a presentation for 1,5 hours.
The school director introduced himself.
We also had a little speaking test.
They put me in level B1 and Jule in level A1.
And who else was there?
What's her job called?.. Teacher Oh..
Yes. -But what was her job called?
Director of studies? -Yes exactly! - Exactly! Teacher Oh is the director of studies.
She explained everything in Korean.
She is super nice. And then also the directorin of student welfare?
The directorin. -The direct.. omg!
I can't speak German anymore!
And the accommodation director.
And the activity manager.
And then we went to.. where did we went to?
Some kind of tourist street and we ate Bibimbab. That was so delicious.
Really good!
And after that we had some free time.
We bought.. ok it's over there.
Is your hairdryer here right now?
Hairdryer! (We always mixed up the words "fan" and "Föhn" which is the German word for hairdryer)
Anyway.. we both bought the same fan
And that was very helpful but it died after 30 minutes.
30 minutes maximum.
We still had some time left and after that we went back to school and got our learning materials.
And we were allowed to leave after that.
Then we each bought a SIM card.
And after that we went to Myeongdong because we wanted to go to ArtBox.
It's a shop where you can buy anything.
It's really cool!
I can show you my pencil case. It's really cute.
And we also tried some street food after we got lost quite a few times.
On our way home we left at the wrong subway station. Even though we had to take this line a little longer.
And then we went, because of me, the wrong way to our home and had to go a very steel way up, then we went that way down again and had to walk all the way back.
Just to walk some stairs again.
That wasn't very nice. But then we got home.
And our eomma asked if we had eaten already and we said no, so she made us some very delicious curry.
That was so tasty!
After that we went to the convenience store because I really wanted to try this water.
Because I saw it in so many K-Dramas. But the thing is.. it doesn't taste the way it looks.
And we bought some normal water.
And! That was so cool! In Myeongong where we bought street food.. we tried to use our Korean skills
Jule said "Gamsahamnida" and the man working there was very surprised.
And then he said "bye bye" and I said "annyeonghi gyeseyo" and he was so happy.
Korean people appreciate it when you try to speak Korean.
We ate the curry, went to the convenience store, we showered.. and filmed a music video..
Nobody wants to see that..
And we have to tidy up our beds because...
We love cleaning;)
And the funny thing is that my first class starts tomorrow at 8am.
And I have to take the subway for around 30 minutes, that means that I have to get up at around 6:30 am.
And Jules class starts 2:30pm
And her class ends 6:50pm..? -That's so annoying! -Is 6:50 right?
And on Wednesday it's the other way around.
I'll end this video now.
Is it still there?
I can't see it! -But that's good! -I don't go inside.
Anyway, thank you for watching maybe it was a bit interesting.
See you in the next videos! I planned to do some more.
Is it there? Where?
On the right side of the toilet. -Eww
directly there.. not in the front but in the back..
I have to show it.
Hurry or it will jump again!! -No don't say that!!!
We have to get rid of that. -That's it for todays video! Bye!