German language

How to pronounce palm in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms decoration, laurel wreath, medal, medallion, ribbon
Type of accolade, award, laurels, honour, honor
Has types distinguished service medal, silver star medal, silver star, purple heart, bronze star, order of the purple heart, bronze star medal, distinguished service order, congressional medal of honor, oak leaf cluster, medaille militaire, medal of honor, navy cross, air medal, victoria cross, croix de guerre, distinguished conduct medal, distinguished flying cross, distinguished service cross
Type Words
Synonyms handle
Type of touch
Has types manhandle, field, fumble, manipulate
Type Words
Synonyms thenar
Type of area, region
Derivation palmar
Type Words
Synonyms palm tree
Type of tree
Has types euterpe oleracea, cabbage palm, cabbage tree, calamus, coco, coco palm, cocoa palm, coconut, coconut palm, coconut tree, cocos nucifera, corozo, corozo palm, fan palm, feather palm, fishtail palm, lady palm, livistona australis, nipa fruticans, nipa palm, raffia farinifera, raffia palm, raffia ruffia, royal palm, roystonea oleracea, roystonea regia, sago palm
Type Words
Type of linear unit, linear measure