German language

How to pronounce orbit in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms celestial orbit
Type of route, path, itinerary
Has types geosynchronous orbit
Derivation orbital

he plotted the orbit of the moon.
Type Words
Synonyms ambit, compass, range, reach, scope
Type of extent
Has types sweep, purview, spectrum, confines, contrast, latitude, palette, approximate range, expanse, view, internationality, ballpark, gamut, pallet, horizon, internationalism

in the political orbit of a world power.
Type Words
Synonyms area, arena, domain, field, sphere
Type of environment
Has types province, political arena, political sphere, distaff, front, kingdom, land, lap, realm, preserve, responsibility

he's out of my orbit.
Type Words
Synonyms orb, revolve
Type of circle
Has types retrograde
Derivation orbiter

The moon orbits around the Earth.
The planets are orbiting the sun.
electrons orbit the nucleus.
Type Words
Synonyms cranial orbit, eye socket, orbital cavity
Type of cavum, bodily cavity, cavity
Derivation orbital
Type Words
Synonyms electron orbit
Type of path, itinerary, route
Derivation orbital