German language

How to pronounce operator in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms hustler, wheeler dealer
Type of opportunist, self-seeker
Has types wire-puller
Type Words
Synonyms manipulator
Type of cause, causal agent, causal agency
Has types driver, elevator operator, engine driver, engineer, motorman, radio operator, telephonist, telephone operator, telegraphist, jockey, telegrapher, locomotive engineer, telegraph operator, switchman, switchboard operator, hoister, railroad engineer, company operator
Derivation operate

the operator of the switchboard.
Type Words
Type of speculator, plunger
Type Words
Type of function, single-valued function, mapping, map, mathematical function
Has types identity element, identity, linear operator, identity operator
Type Words
Type of businessman, man of affairs
Has types supermarketer, supermarketeer
Derivation operate

who is the operator of this franchise?.