German language

How to pronounce offend in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms bruise, hurt, injure, spite, wound
Type of elicit, enkindle, evoke, fire, provoke, raise, arouse, kindle
Has types lacerate, affront, chagrin, diss, humble, humiliate, insult, abase, mortify, sting
Derivation offence, offense, offensive
Type Words
Synonyms breach, break, go against, infract, transgress, violate
Type of disrespect
Has types trespass, sin, contravene, drop the ball, goof, blunder, boob, infringe, intrude, conflict, transgress, run afoul
Derivation offensive, offence, offender, offense

offend all laws of humanity.
Type Words
Synonyms appal, appall, outrage, scandalise, scandalize, shock
Type of churn up, revolt, nauseate, disgust, sicken
Derivation offensive
Type Words
Synonyms pique
Type of anger
Derivation offence, offensive

Her tactless remark offended me.