German language

How to pronounce manage in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms oversee, superintend, supervise
Type of administer, administrate
Has types build
Derivation manager, management, manageable
Type Words
Synonyms do
Type Words
Synonyms finagle, wangle
Type of reach, attain, accomplish, achieve
Type Words
Synonyms contend, cope, deal, get by, grapple, make do, make out
Type of move, act
Has types scratch along, squeak by, squeeze by, scrape by, hack, improvise, cut, rub along, scrape along, extemporize, fend
Type Words
Synonyms handle, wield
Type of manipulate
Has types ply, pump, sweep, swing, swing out

The young violinist didn't manage her bow very well.
Type Words
Synonyms bring off, carry off, negociate, pull off
Type of win, succeed, deliver the goods, come through, bring home the bacon

I managed to carry the box upstairs.
Type Words
Synonyms care, deal, handle
Type of control, command
Has types come to grips, administer, administrate, carry on, conduct, coordinate, deal, direct, dispose of, get to grips, juggle, mind, misconduct, mishandle, mismanage, organise, organize, process, take care, touch, work
Derivation management, manageable

She managed her parents' affairs after they got too old.