German language

How to pronounce louse in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms sucking louse
Type of insect
Has types pubic louse, head louse, body louse, pediculus capitis, pediculus corporis, pediculus humanus, crab louse, phthirius pubis, common louse, cootie, crab
Derivation lousy
Type Words
Synonyms bird louse, biting louse
Type of insect
Has types menopon palladum, chicken louse, shaft louse, menopon gallinae
Derivation lousy
Type Words
Synonyms plant louse
Type of homopterous insect, homopteran
Has types adelgid, aphid, grape louse, grape phylloxera, jumping plant louse, oak blight, phylloxera vitifoleae, psylla, psyllid
Derivation lousy
Type Words
Synonyms dirt ball, insect, worm
Type of disagreeable person, unpleasant person