German language

How to pronounce live in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms unrecorded

a live television program.
brought to you live from Lincoln Center.
live entertainment involves performers actually in the physical presence of a live audience.
Type Words
Synonyms be
Verb group go, last, survive, live on, endure, hold out, hold up
Derivation living

My grandfather lived until the end of war.
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Synonyms alive

a live volcano.
the volcano is very much alive.
Type Words
Synonyms alive
Derivation liveness

the happiest person alive.
the nerve is alive.
doctors are working hard to keep him alive.
burned alive.
a live canary.
Type Words
Synonyms bouncy, lively, resilient, springy

a lively tennis ball.
Type Words
Synonyms dwell, inhabit, populate
Type of be
Has types room, nest, shack, shack up, neighbour, people, bivouac, board, tenant, overpopulate, occupy, reside, domicile, domiciliate, lodge, live together, encamp, tent, neighbor, camp, camp out, cohabit, lodge in
Derivation liver, liveable, livable

People lived in Africa millions of years ago.
Type Words
Synonyms exist, subsist, survive
Has types drift, freewheel, breathe
Verb group go, hold out, hold up, live on, last, survive, endure

Can you live on $2000 a month in New York City?.
Type Words
Synonyms endure, go, hold out, hold up, last, live on, survive
Has types hold water, live out, stand up, perennate, hold up
Verb group be, exist, survive, subsist

The race car driver lived through several very serious accidents.
One crash victim died, the other lived.
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Synonyms hot

a live wire.
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Synonyms experience, know
Type of experience, go through, see
Has types taste, relive, live over

I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict.
The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare.
I lived through two divorces.
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the club members are a really live bunch.
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live ammunition.
a live bomb.
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live coals.
tossed a live cigarette out the window.
got a shock from a live wire.
live ore is unmined ore.
a live bomb.
a live ball is one in play.
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a live concert hall.
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live copy is ready to be set in type or already set but not yet proofread.
Type Words
Has types dissipate, bach, bachelor, board, buccaneer, bushwhack, cash out, eke out, live down, move, pig, pig it, swing, unlive, vegetate, wanton
Derivation liver, living

we had to live frugally after the war.
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a live issue.
still a live option.
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You must accept yourself and others if you really want to live.