German language

How to pronounce invite in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms bid
Type of request
Has types challenge, allure, tempt
Derivation invitation
Type Words
Synonyms pay for
Type of interact
Derivation invitee, invitation, invitatory

I invited them to a restaurant.
Type Words
Synonyms tempt
Type of shake up, stir, stimulate, excite, shake
Derivation invitation
Type Words
Synonyms ask for
Type of kindle, arouse, elicit, enkindle, evoke, fire, provoke, raise
Derivation invitation

invite criticism.
Type Words
Synonyms call for
Type of request, call for, quest, bespeak, ask for
Verb group request, call for, ask for, quest, bespeak
Derivation invitatory, invitation

The organizers invite submissions of papers for the conference.
Type Words
Synonyms ask in
Type of quest, ask for, bespeak, call for, request
Has types call in
Verb group ask over, ask round
Derivation invitation

We invited the neighbors in for a cup of coffee.
Type Words
Synonyms receive, take in
Has types induct, absorb, see, welcome, assume
Derivation invitation
Type Words
Synonyms ask over, ask round
Type of request, quest, call for, bespeak, ask for
Verb group ask in
Derivation invitation, invitatory, invitee

Can I invite you for dinner on Sunday night?.
Type Words
Type of invitation

he didn't get no invite to the party.