German language

How to pronounce hollow in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms dig, excavate
Type of withdraw, take, take away, remove
Has types ditch, trench, drive
Type Words
Synonyms holler
Type of vale, valley
Has types dingle, dell

he built himself a cabin in a hollow high up in the Appalachians.
Type Words
Synonyms core out, hollow out
Type of empty
Has types draw in, core, cave, cavern out, dig out, suck in, excavate, gouge, hole, undermine, rout, scallop, scollop, scoop out, cavern, dig

hollow out a tree trunk.
Type Words
Synonyms empty, vacuous
Derivation hollowness

a hollow victory.
Type Words
Synonyms hole
Type of natural depression, depression
Has types chuckhole, cavity, pit, pothole, rabbit burrow, rabbit hole, tunnel, wormhole, burrow, gopher hole, kettle, kettle hole
Type Words
Type of enclosed space, cavity

hunger had caused the hollows in their cheeks.
Type Words

the hollow sound of footsteps in the empty ballroom.
Type Words

a hollow person.
Type Words
Derivation hollowness

a hollow wall.
a hollow tree.
hollow cheeks.
his face became gaunter and more hollow with each year.