German language

How to pronounce gymnosperm family in German?

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Type Words
Type of plant family
Has types araucariaceae, bennettitaceae, cephalotaxaceae, cordaitaceae, cupressaceae, cycad family, cycadaceae, cypress family, zamiaceae, welwitschiaceae, yew family, zamia family, araucaria family, ephedraceae, family araucariaceae, family bennettitaceae, family cephalotaxaceae, family cordaitaceae, family cupressaceae, family cycadaceae, family ephedraceae, family ginkgoaceae, family gnetaceae, family phyllocladaceae, family pinaceae, family podocarpaceae, family sciadopityaceae, family taxaceae, family welwitschiaceae, family zamiaceae, ginkgo family, ginkgoaceae, gnetaceae, phyllocladaceae, pinaceae, pine family, plum-yew family, podocarpaceae, podocarpus family, redwood family, sciadopityaceae, subfamily taxodiaceae, taxaceae, taxodiaceae