German language

How to pronounce furnish in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms provide, render, supply
Type of give
Has types air-condition, air-cool, alphabetize, arm, articulate, bed, berth, bewhisker, border, bottom, brattice, bush, buy in, calk, canal, canalise, canalize, capitalise, capitalize, caption, causeway, charge, cleat, cloy, coal, computerise, computerize, constitutionalize, copper-bottom, corbel, cornice, costume, crenel, crenelate, crenellate, curtain, dado, date, edge, equip, extend, feed, fire, fit, fit out, flood, fret, fuel, fund, gate, give, yield, water, wharf, whisker, wive, afford, glass, glaze, glut, grate, hat, headline, headquarter, heat, hobnail, hydrate, index, innervate, interleave, joint, kern, key, leverage, machicolate, match, offer, outfit, oversupply, partner, patch, pour, provision, pump, purvey, rafter, rail, railroad, ramp, reflectorise, reflectorize, retrofit, rim, sanitate, scant, seat, shelter, signalise, signalize, skimp, slat, step, stint, stock, stock up, subtitle, surfeit, tap, terrace, terrasse, theme, ticket, toggle, tool, top, top out, transistorise, transistorize, tube, uniform, upholster, victual
Type Words
Type of render, supply, provide
Has types refurnish
Derivation furnishing, furniture

We furnished the house in the Biedermeyer style.