German language

How to pronounce framework in German?

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Type Words
Synonyms model, theoretical account
Type of theory, hypothesis, possibility
Has types m-theory, mean sun, stochastic process, copernican system, string theory, simulation, computer simulation, ptolemaic system
Type Words
Synonyms frame
Type of supporting structure
Has types coaming, cornice, cowcatcher, deckle, derrick, doorcase, doorframe, embroidery frame, embroidery hoop, fender, frame, framing, fretwork, gantry, gauntry, go-cart, grate, grating, grill, grille, grillwork, gun carriage, handbarrow, hayrack, hayrig, honeycomb, horse, lattice, latticework, mounting, oxbow, pelmet, pergola, picture frame, pilot, rack, ribbing, sash, sawbuck, sawhorse, zimmer frame, arbor, arbour, baby-walker, bower, buck, buffer, bustle, case, casing, climbing frame, clotheshorse, window, window frame, window sash, zimmer, airframe, stocks, stretcher, tambour, tenter, truss, undercarriage, valance, valance board, walker, wattle
Type Words
Synonyms fabric
Type of structure

providing a factual framework for future research.